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How to resolve Git merge conflict from eclipse?

If you are a developer working on Git there are high chances that you have come across the merge conflict error while merging your changes to git repo.

Let's see how we can resolve git conflicts.

Consider the below example where there are 2 developers (developer1 and developer2) working on the same git branch (developer branch in this example).

Developer1 is working on the below project in his eclipse workspace.

Developer2 is working on the below project in his eclipse workspace. (See gitconflict2 next to the project name)

Let’s consider a situation where both developer1 and developer2 are changing the same line of code (line 6) from the file

Developer2 changes the statement on line 6 to “Developer 2” from “Developer 1” and will commit his code to git.

Commit and Pushed.
If Developer1 tries to pull the latest from repo now, eclipse will throw the below error which indicates that there is a conflict.

During the same time Developer1 has also changed the same line 6 from “Developer 1” to “First Developer” and is trying to check-in the file to git.
Before doing that lets do Team > Synchronize Workspace

As you can see from the above snapshot, there is a conflict in as there were changes committed to the repo which you do not have in your file.

Now, let’s see how we can resolve this conflict and merge our file.

There are several ways to resolve git conflicts and we are going to see one of those.
  • ·         Developer1 takes a backup of the file which he has changed.
  • ·         Right click on the project > Team > Reset

Select Remote Tracking and select the required branch (developer in this example)

          (Please note that Hard is selected in Reset type)
  • ·         Click on Reset.
  • ·         Now merge your changes from the backup file.

  • ·         Stage the changes, provide appropriate Commit message and click on Commit and Push.

         Changes will be successfully pushed to git repo.

Now if developer2 pulls the latest from repo, he gets the commit from developer1.


1 comment:

  1. Nice explanation. We face this issue very often in our team where one team member overrides other team member's code during check-in. Will recommend them to follow these steps. Thanks for the post!



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